OK let the haters talk I'm jumping jumping You can watch me grow 我昂扬头向前走 let the gossip flow Blablabla 做顶尖的killer Please don't waste my time 吸收日月精华伤疤愈合 Just do it Let go Let go Money rain rain 还不够 我开路你跟在后 You know 我从来没有对手 我仰着头走 从前到以后 我上得了天也能下得了地 有十八般武艺和遍地homie 我来自谷底 所以没顾忌 双手插兜 看我单刀赴会 涅槃的魂魄 挣脱了枷锁 魂魄在燃烧中解脱 重生的花朵 再无畏凋落 Again and again 破极限 Don't talk to me blah blah blah blah blah 都看透 那些drama why so serious 何必一再迁 就撕掉你虚伪的面具我亲手 Keep go go go Go from the bottom to the top 总让你猜不透 困在我心里的野兽 龙卷风刮过扶摇直上 连根拔起你建立的海市蜃楼 重获那么多属于我 却被掠夺走的功成名就 野心比刀锋利 怎么着都不够 那就缔造属于我的王国 由我来决定那些是非对错 涅槃的魂魄 挣脱了枷锁 魂魄在燃烧中解脱 重生的花朵 再无畏凋落 Again and again 破极限 Don't talk to me blah blah blah blah blah Through the highs and the lows You know I faced them all 逆水行舟成与败的结果我都接受 重生的花再无畏凋落 Don't talk to me blah blah blah blah blah Let's jump jump jump We'll never touch the ground We'll reach for the stars together never looking down Let's jump jump jump We'll never touch the ground We'll reach for the stars together never looking down